Why do I need a custom website?
All websites I make are fully custom. No pre-made themes are used. This gives full control over the design and appearance to reflect your brand's unique identity and style. This also provides greater flexibility and scalability. You can easily incorporate custom features and functionalities specific to your needs, ensuring a seamless user experience. Custom themes are built specifically for your website's unique requirements, resulting in minimal code and optimal performance. With a pre-made theme, vulnerabilities and outdated code could expose your website to potential risks. On the other hand, custom themes are developed with stringent security measures, reducing the likelihood of breaches and ensuring the protection of your data. Last but not least, an enhanced user experience, robust security measures, and optimized code will also positively impact your SEO efforts.
Will I be able to maintain my own website?
T o enable you to manage your website's contents, it will be built up on WordPress. In the WordPress dashboard you will be able to add, remove or edit all content (text, images, videos etc.). You will be able to later on put together pages with custom building blocks that have the styles already incorporated. The end-product will come with a wordpress training and manual. As the developer of your website, I expect to be asked questions afterwards and will be happy to assist with minor inquiries or problems. In case you don't want to maintain your own website or if you're looking to expand, I'm here to provide my support services.
I'm always happy to work with other professionals. Hit me up.
HTML - CSS - JS - VueJS - Nuxt - React - ThreeJS - NodeJS - PHP - WordPress - Photoshop - Illustrator - AdobeXD - Git